Every year since 2011, a unique beauty contest takes place in Haifa. The contestants are female survivors of the Holocaust. In the midst of this flashy spectacle sponsored by an Evangelical Christian organization, the personal traumas of the survivors remain as deep as ever. A documentary about how memory, politics and spectacle are interconnected.
Visions du Réel - International Feature Film Competition  ( WORLD PREMIERE)
Sarajevo Film Festival - Documentary Competition
Odessa International Film Competition - European Documentary Competition
Rhode Island International Film Festival
Istanbul Film Festival - National Documentary Competition
Antalya Golden OrangeFilm Festival - National Documentary Competition
Human Rights Film Festival Lugano
Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote
Traces de Vies - Compétition 2021 / Regard Documentaire Hors Frontières
Istanbul Modern Cinema
Turkish National Critics Association - Best Feature Documentary Award Nominee
Directed and Edited by Eytan İpeker
Produced by Yoel Meranda (Kamara - Turkey)
Cinematography - Itay Marom
Sound design - Emmanuel Soland
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